Something on my to do list in Cyprus is learning to play the guitar. It has been a desire of mine for years... I bought my first one 6 years ago, but had to sell it to buy a stethascope when I went to school. That was a different time and different place ago. So just before moving here, I bought another one (a seagull acoustic with a hard shell case and a funky green strap:)) and let myself dream again that I would someday know how to play. It is good to be getting started - I have a long way to go. But because of this, something happened that I didn't anticipate. This morning, I was listening to a favourite song of mine (Give, by 3rd day...) Now, I'm a huge lyrics person, and for all the times I've listened to the song, they have stood out to me. But this morning, I heard something new. I heard the guitar. It was beautiful, and I couldn't believe I'd never noticed before. So I started to listen and try to pick out other things - all the instruments that make up this amazing song. And it reminded me of class last week - talking about relationships with people... how we are called to unity if we are part of God's body. To translate that Christianese statement - God made each of us different, but by being who we are and using our gifts and talents and appreciating one another, this is unity. One purpose, one goal - yes - but not made out of cookie cutter people. So do you feel different today? Misunderstood? Like you don't fit in completely? Awesome... can I encourage you to keep playing your part of the song? It's time to face the music - you're not who you want to be. But truth is that the real you is something far better... you have a place in this world and every other part playing needs you too. So get in tune if you have to, just don't stop playing. Oh, and here are some more Cyprus pics for you visual people out there:)