Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Don't know what you got 'til it's gone

My new place of residence is adjacent to the Legislative grounds.  I've wanted to explore it ever since arriving here because of the beautiful lights on the trees as part of the Christmas decorations.  A skating rink (there all season) and ice sculptures complete the effect... it is a beautiful wonderland.  
Sunday evening an old and dear friend came to visit, and because the wonderland was calling to us, we ventured out in the cold to experience it.  Carpe it (pronounced Carp for us:)), as we would (and did) say.  Not only were the lights and the sculptures and the rink beautiful, but God threw lightly falling snow and a full moon into the package too... so rotic.  Though we were cold and a little wet by the time we got back to the apartment, we were so thankful that beauty is something that makes each of us rejoice inside.
I was even more thankful the next night walking home from school.  The lights were gone.  Had we not taken that perfect opportunity, there wouldn't have been any opportunity at all.  It got me thinking... what else in life is like that?  What is an opportunity today that may not be tomorrow?  What will be mourned if the chance is lost?
I believe the loss would be impactful in 2 ways.  The first is the obvious; the enjoyment of the experience.  It was so much fun to be there with a good friend and delight in the elements and the beauty.  We created another memory to cherish.  The second loss is more subtle; miss these opportunities too often, and you may forget that you loved them at all.  A beautiful park becomes no longer alluring, and is no longer a reminder of how you were made, and essentially of who you are.  It is the very matter regret is made of.  
So I don't know what opportunities are wavering for you this day, and certainly don't know when the window to use them will close.  But maybe, just maybe, you and I should consider carefully what is set before us.  Whichever way we choose, it will be life changing.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

New Post

Hey Folks, 

New post, scroll down to Nov. 16th...

Check ya later, ST