Monday, 8 October 2007

I could have done without the drama...

There is a cost part to missions, everyone knows that. I knew that to come to Cyprus, this account would be charged to my family, friends, job, income, car, home, and cat. A couple of weeks ago, I distinctly remember saying to God (in a casual conversation sort of way) that I didn’t need any drama this time when I left the country – my dance card was full. My desire didn’t include a flooded bathroom, declawing the cat, renters changing their minds, or my house insurance getting canceled at 13:00 the day before I left. It also left out the part about Edmonton check-in telling me I would need a visa for Cyprus and refusing to check me any further than Frankfurt (the situation was remedied at the same time my final boarding call went out. I was still at the front kiosk). But that was last week... there are still ends to tie up back in that other world, and I wish I could have left everything tidy and in check, no loose ends. Even so, I knew I had to go. Even if the ends never tie there, I am to be here now. God has work to do in each of the 8 students and 6 staff I will share the next 5 months with. What we have each left behind was necessary because we were called to come here now. One student in my class has come at a great risk - and will not be able to return to their country when this course ends for literally a fear of death. When I return, everything (no matter what state it's in) will be returned to me. Not so for my new friend. Their home and family and car and pet and job left behind cannot anticipate their return. So for those of you missing me today from across the miles, think of my new friends' family and friends who are joyful for their loved one's departure - for it brings them safety and hope, and be thankful for all that we have simply because of the nation of our birth. So I could've done without the drama last week... but my perspective is a little different this week. Thank you to my new friend for coming here even though it cost you dearly - I only had to put on loan for a while.


The Olson's said...

Nice to see that you have your blog up and running... we demand pictures (if you can). I think that blogs are the BEST way to stay in contact. If you have the inkling, check us out at our site. Love the update. God is good all the time.

Julie said...

I understand well how you can feel about leaving everything behind to go where your soul tells you you should be...Hope you'll find what you're looking for in this adventure, even if some things are not like you thought they would be.

I'm very happy to be able to read your thoughts about your journey. It feels like a little part of you is still here with me. I miss you, but I am happy for that project becoming reality for you.

I am sorry for your friend who won't be able to go home...home is priceless, and to lose access to it is like leaving an essential part of your soul can you stop craving it?

A New Life Begins... said...

Sounds like life has been a smidge eventful for you already... but then again, it is YOUR life we're talking about. Never a dull moment! You are in my thoughts and prayers, San. No doubt there will be more challenges and crazy stories ahead. Know you are loved across the miles. I'll be checking in on you regularly... Look forward to the day when I see your face again. Hey, I'll even let you serve me food and I'll call you Linda, and maybe snap my fingers atcha, or give ya a "pat" on your way by!

Loves, Danielle