Sunday 11 April 2010

Elections - April 11-13

Today, tomorrow, and the next... a revolutionary concept is happening in the Sudan. They are having a presidential election. If you are a prayer, please pray for the country at this time. The next three days are bursting with potential for peace and hope or violence and evil. Millions of people will be affected, many of them having just returned to their country and regions from decades as refugees and IDP's. Please pray that the elected leader of Sudan will have respect for all life, every family, gender, tribe, race, and faith; that they will be a leader of integrity, of justice, and equity. Please pray that the election itself will be held with integrity - that every vote will count, and that everyone will have a chance to do so as an informed citizen and without bribery. For most of us, Sudan is far away and a place we don't think of often. Please make these next 3 days an exception as we stand in the gap for this nation. Thank you for your concern and your prayers.