Wednesday 30 April 2008

Number Crunching

4 - how many weeks ago I landed back in Canada
2- how many weeks I've been away since then
3 - the number of provinces I've been in
8 - the number of beds I've slept in these 4 weeks
2000 - approx. # of kms. I've driven (personally)
2400 - approx. # of kms. I've flown (not personally)
10 - family members I've been able to see
17- friends I've been able to catch up with face to face (plus their families)
7 - of these friends introduced me to their new babies (one introduced me to 2:))
so many more - friends left to catch up with
7 - days left until returning to work
1 - faithful God who has seen me through all the changes of the last few months and weeks and will continue so into the future

I will continue to post on this site as inspiration hits, and hope to have pictures soon for all of you visual people - I know it's been a long time, sorry 'bout that!

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